القائمة الرئيسية




Everyone remembers the sum

leads to ruin

the world needs space

to be related to nature

Even though we are unmarried

hope still lies

in the sheath of fate

woven into threads of color

Powerful ax swing

the tree falls and the fruit from it

causing global warming

due to human negligence

It is important that someone warms up

while humanity suffers

glaciers are also melting

accordingly, nature does not tolerate carelessness

Lots of floods and tears

in baby fat which

every day he just wants

real play and fun

Glaciers when they melt

general unrest is created

because panic reigns

in people and the world

So let's take care of the trees

because every day is special

and let's protect nature

she is everything to us


Svi se sjećaju šume

vodi u propast

svijetu je potreban prostor

biti u vezi sa prirodom

Iako smo neoženjeni

nada i dalje leži

u korica sudbine

utkana u niti u boji

Snažan zamah sjekirom

drvo pada i plod sa njega

izaziva globalno zagrevanje

zbog ljudskog nemara

Bitno je da se neko zagreje

dok čovečanstvo pati

glečeri se takođe tope

shodno tome, priroda ne podnosi nemar

Puno poplava i suza

u bebinoj masti koja

svaki dan samo želi

prava igra i zabava

Glečeri kada se tope

stvara se opšti nemir

jer vlada panika

u ljudima i svijetu

Pa hajde da se pobrinemo za drveće

jer svaki dan je poseban

i čuvajmo prirodu

ona nam je sve

Maid Corbic

 Poet from Bosnia and Herzegovina

